Tag: year 4

Spy Mouse

Task description: It was 40 mins and I wrote kinda lots but it was fun:D

The spy mouse.


Once upon a time, there was a little mouse and he felt really hungry but all the cheese he had were gone he was shocked with fear with his eyes looking very very scared and his mouth the shape of a circle, deep down he felt like it was almost like his very own favourite slippers were gone but when Mr Mouse smelled something like cheese he run to the door of an hole in the wall.

Then he saw a very beautiful cheese but very big.

 He wanted it so bad he quickly ran to the cheese but when he got to the cheese he saw a medal bar with some wood, he felt like it was almost like a big trap.

So he quickly ran back to his small little home, he started searching for his very own SPY stuff like his suit, even two strong strings.

He felt really proud of himself. He QUIETLY put his SPY suit on, it was all black even his gloves were black.

When he was all ready he quickly ran out the door but instead of running to the cheese he climbed up the wall with all his strength as soon as he got up the wall he started using his really strong strings to get to the other side he started swinging on the strings lucky he had two strings that were very strong at last he finally reached the other side but he climbed all the way up to the roof, when he reached the top of the roof he used his strings to climb down he finally grabbed the cheese with his strong hands he finally ran home and called the trap mouse trap.